Sunday, September 18, 2011


One of the happiest moments of my life!!!!!
Our cat 'Donkey',Gave birth to four kittens on the auspicious occasion of Ganesh   Chaturthi (1st September 2011) !!!!!
Can you guess their names friends????!!!!!!
चकली, नेवरी, लाडू आणि मोदक! 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Gives me a feeling....

It makes me shiver.... 
It makes me smile.. :)
It makes me shed my tears for a while.. :'(

It makes me laugh.. :D
It makes me wink ;)
It really really makes me think! 

It makes me dance!
It makes me swing! 
Oh God! This rain! Gives me a feeling!!!! 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

"Tearless"-My new (english) poem


MY Heart had turned Golden!
Since You'd given it a glow!
The moment it was broken,
Through eyes,it began to flow...

It rolled as a golden tear..
But soon,I received embrace,
from you, And it did disappear
as it met your silver face...

You gave me a diamond smile,
as  watched you make my heart,
as golden as ever before..
when you said,"We wont be apart.."

It was lustrous..and so true-one,
Incredibly loyal and slave.
But it was shaken and threatened by,
one more wound that you gave...

And now,its hard as rock...
Since long its lost it's shine...
But I'm so tearless..lost in dreams..
of the day you could ever be mine....
